I don’t know about the rest of you, but 2018 is starting to feel like one of those “don’t blink or you’ll miss something important” years!
Thankfully Easter has arrived, so we can all take a few days to catch our breath, which for many families means a road trip to our favourite (and hopefully dog-friendly) long-weekend getaway destinations.
We’ve written before about doggy road trips and car safety so please make sure you have all those boxes ticked before you head out.Something we haven’t covered before though is being prepared for emergencies and one of the most practical things you can do is to keep a well-stocked first aid kit in the car, for canine and human travellers.
Firstly, you should always have practical basics, like fresh water, clean towels and some paper towel in the car – these are just useful in so many different situations.
Secondly, your kit should cover basic spills and scrapes treatment for most human and canine situations:
- Absorbent gauze pads
- Adhesive tape
- Sterile wipes / and or antiseptic spray (F10 spray is indispensable)
- Cotton balls or swabs
- Gauze bandage rolls
- Non-latex disposable gloves
- Self-adhesive bandages (this won’t stick to fur, or really hairy legs), also obtainable from your vet
For some essential equipment you could also include:
- Thermometers (Rectal for the dogs, oral for the humans – don’t get them mixed up) Your dog’s normal temperature is 38.4 by the way.
- Safety scissors (for cutting bandages, or trimming away fur around an injury)
- Tweezers (for removing splinters and stings)
- Syringes
- Eyedropper
- Saline Solution (can be used to rinse off a scrape, or wash out eyes)
For bonus points and the extra scout badge you could also include an icepack and an emergency (foil) blanket.
Now complete your kit with some essential over-the-counter medication and ointments – these items are also useful for dogs and people:
- Bactroban (Antibiotic cream, for open wounds, cuts and scrapes)
- Anthasan. (For soothing rashes and itchy spots, or insect bites)
- Slippery Elm. (For slight upset/runny tummy give 2 tabs twice a day until better)
- Buscopan (For more serious upset/runny tummy 1 tab twice a day until better)
- Allergex (For bee/wasp stings and other allergic reactions)
- Traumeel (Natural anti-inflammatory for, limps and soreness)
If you feel like putting this together all looks like too much effort, just remember this old saying – it’s better to have it and not need it than to need it and not have it.
Safe travels and Happy Easter from the Training Team!